We specialise in providing escrow solutions for companies and individual all around the world. Using an experienced custodial service such as ourselves is the safest and most efficient way to deal with purchasing or selling products and services of high monetary value.

You can begin transacting with our secure platform by creating an account with us, after which you will receive a welcome email containing login details to our secure transaction portal which you will go to each time you want to deposit funds into your account, transfer funds for a transaction into the escrow for security of funds or lastly, when you want to initiate a withdrawal of your funds.

We at Escrowcrypto place the security of your funds at the highest level of our priority hence our platform is designed to create an extra layer of protection for your funds. Therefore apart from the login details to the dashboard which you choose upon registration, every registered member on our platform also gets to be mailed login details to our transaction portal from which Deposits,Transfer of Monies to Escrow and Withdrawal of Funds can be performed.

Escrowcrypto is a platform for only transactions involving cryptocurrencies, espcially Bitcoin
To make deposits you have to login to your dashboard and click on the deposit link from which you will be redirected to our transaction portal, you are to login into the portal and select deposit and then send your funds to the wallet address you see. Once the deposit is processed and confirmed, you will receive a mail informing you of a successful deposit into your account.
After Depositing funds into your Escrowcrypto  account, you can initiate transactions by clicking the manage escrow link in your dashboard and transferring the funds for the transaction into the secure escrow account. Once again you will be directed to our Transaction Portal where you will perform the transfer to the escrow account. A mail will be sent to you confirming that your funds have been transferred to the escrow account, after then you may proceed to initiate your transaction with the other party,once you release the funds, the funds  deposited in the escrow account will automatically be transferred to the other party.
You can withdraw your funds by clicking on withdraw on your dashboard, you are to make a withdrawal request by clicking Request Withdrawal first so that your withdrawal can be approved then head over to withdraw your funds on our Transaction Portal.